CBD, Anxiety and Depression – My Journey
Paradise Valley Products received the following heartfelt email about and we would like to share this very personal letter with you.

CBD, Anxiety and Depression – My Personal Journey
I have dealt with anxiety, panic attacks depression all my adult life. At times it has been debilitating. There were occasions when I could not leave the house and was frozen…literally dressed for an outing with my hand on the door ready to leave and couldn’t. I have missed family milestones, weddings, birthdays, school plays, soccer games and countless holidays. My marriage crumbled and family relations were strained. There were days that ending my life felt like the only option to end the pain. Suicide seemed so easy…a cocktail of all the prescribed pills and wash it down with a fifth of vodka. I planned this “party” in my head many time. No amount of recommended therapy could help.
Until you have walked in these shoes, don’t judge. Depression, anxiety and panic attacks are conditions of a physiological nature not a psychological condition.
The medical community ran me through the gamut of prescription drugs, Paxil, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Zoloft many times accompanied with Xanax (it will take the edge off they told me). Each new medication left me feeling empty and doped. Some of the meds DID NOT work (at least 1 in 3 people are unable to find relief with antidepressants). Forget the anxiety and panic attacks; try weaning off any one of these big pharma bad boys. Antidepressants are extremely addictive. Unless you have done it, you do not understand the meaning of the brain zap. I was never sure which was worse, the flat feeling of being doped or the anxiety of knowing what was to come when I weaned off the drugs.
A few years ago while attempting a self diagnosis (we all do it) online, I ran across an article on Cannabidiol or CBD Oil for anxiety and depression. At the end of my rope and tired of countless prescription drugs, I ordered!! The first bottle did NOTHING. The company would not return my calls or answer any emails. No money back guarantee, no customer service, no surprise.
After countless hours of research and phone calls, I finally found Paradise Valley Products CBD. My initial phone call to Paradise Valley Products ended up with me in tears, recounting my life to a complete stranger on the other end of the phone. They understood and were so compassionate about my problems. It was like I found a friend.
Paradise Valley Products suggested I start with the Platinum Plus Paradise Valley Products CBD 500mg – ½ dropper each morning under my tongue. (I also ordered the CBD gummy bears in case I had an extremely stressful day – super easy to carry in my purse and very discreet). Paradise Valley CBD Oil for anxiety and depression is nature’s miracle. I am off all meds - no feeling high and no more zombie feeling. My head is clear and my heart is happy. I am in a loving relationship, my kids are grown and happy and I can once again feel GREAT about life.
Thank you for reading my ramble!
Anita Clarkson
If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out or call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255.